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Emergency Travel Documents (ETD)

ETD (Emergency Travel Document)

In case of theft or loss of the passport, for Italians residing in the Western Cape, a normal passport is issued.

For citizens traveling temporarily to South Africa, an ETD is issued.

The Emergency Travel Document (ETD) is a temporary travel document, valid for 5 days from the date of issue, which can be issued, in the event of theft or loss of documents, only for the return to Italy or to the Member State in which the applicant has permanent residence proven by registration in Aire.

The Emergency Travel Document (ETD) is normally issued on sight, except in cases where the Consular Authority deems it necessary to carry out further legal checks which could postpone its delivery, regardless of the date of the travel document held by the applicant.

NOTE: ETDs cannot be issued to newborns whose birth certificate is not yet regularly transcribed in Italy at the competent Italian municipality. The issuing of an ETD can be carried out exclusively in cases the minor has already possess an Italian identification document and provided that his birth certificate is regularly transcribed in Italy.

Cost: (click here Consular Tariffs page).

Payment Methods:

• We accept EFT and cash.
• We accept RAND only.

• If the applicant is NOT a minor:

•  ETD1 Request Form (click here) filled and signed;
• 2 “passport format” pictures (click here for format information) not older then 6 months;
• Copy of a valid Identification document with picture and signature;
OR, in front of a witness fill the form AFT1 – Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Atto di Notorietà/Affidavit (click here); please note the witness must be in possess of a valid ID for a valid identification;
• Copy of a valid travel ticket;
• Consent Form/Statement (in the presence of minor children and if you are an AIRE resident in this consular district), from the other parent together with a copy of an identification document (only if an EU citizen) in which the owner’s signature is legible (click here). If the other parent of the minor is NOT an EU citizen, the consent document must be signed in the presence of a public official.

If the applicant is a minor:

• ETD2 Request Form (click here) c filled and signed by both parents or by the appointed guardian;
• Parents or Guardian’s Identification Document (such document must clearly picture and signature);
• 2 “passport format” pictures (click here for format information) not older then 6 months;
OR, in front of a witness fill the form AFT1 – Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Atto di Notorietà/Affidavit (click here); please note the witness must be in possess of a valid ID for a valid identification;
• Copy of a valid travel ticket.